Wisdom kwame Nyamadi
Head Of Department
The Physical Planning Department (PPD) is established at the Wassa Amenfi East Municipal Assembly as per the Second Schedule of the Local Governance Act, 2016 (Act 936) and section 185 (4) of the Land Use and Spatial Planning Act, 2016 (Act 925). The department performs specific functions relating to efficient management of human settlements and headed by the Head of Department. It also serves as the Secretariat to the Spatial Planning Committee and the Head of the Department is the secretary to the Committee.
To become a unique, technically competent and proactive Department, able to contribute effectively to rational development of sustainable human settlements and environmental horticulture.
The Physical Planning Department exists to plan, manage and implement harmonious, sustainable and cost-effective human settlements and environmental horticulture in the Municipality in accordance with sound environmental and planning principles.
• To provide for the planning and the sustainable development of land and human settlements in the district
• To ensure the judicious use of land in the district
• To provide the enabling environment though technical guidance from the LUSPA for district assemblies to better perform the spatial planning and human settlement management function
• To preserve and enhance the environment through planting and proper cultural practices for green plants including shade trees, shrubs and turf grass
• To cultivate and promote research, education and development of horticulture
• To enhance quality of life through ecosystem service, production of safe and nutritious food products.
The PPD is mandated by legislations like Act 936, Act 925, L.I. 2384, National Building Code, etc to perform its functions. The Department carries out a number of functions which includes but not limited to the following:
• Advise the District Assembly on national policies on physical planning, land use and development;
• Co-ordinate activities and projects of departments and other agencies including NonGovernmental Organizations to ensure compliance with planning standards;
• Prepare spatial plans as a guide for the formulation of development policies and decisions in the district;
• Identify problems concerning the development of land and its social, environmental and economic implications;
• Advise on preparation of structure plans for towns and villages within the district;
• Collaborate with the Survey and mapping Division of Lands Commission in the performance of its functions;
• Assist to prepare a District Land Use Plan to guide activities in the district;
• Assist to provide the layout for buildings for improved housing layout and settlement;
• Advise the Assembly on sitting of billboards, masts and ensure compliance with the decisions of the Assembly
• Undertake street addressing and related issues
• Develop and promote effective landscape beautification in the district and homes
• Maintain and sustain all landscape areas in the road medians, road shoulders and traffic islands in the district
• Cultivate horticultural products including vegetables, fruits, tree seedlings and ornamental plants for sale to the public and for export
• Conduct routine maintenance of prestige areas• Develop and promote the cultivation and conservation of medicinal and aromatic plant species
• Supply tree seedlings to educational institutions on gratis thus encouraging tree planting in schools and communities
• Provide horticultural training and extension services to students and pupils from institutions in the district.
A person who intends to undertake any physical development shall require a Planning and /or Development Permit.
2.1 Planning Permit
A Planning permit is a written permit issued for the purpose of fostering compliance of activities with approved zoning regulations (e.g. heights, orientation, building line and setbacks, plot coverage etc) and planning standards (e.g. geographic accessibility, size and class of development)
2.1.1 All developments that are carried out on, under or over land, or cause material change in the existing use of land, or building and includes sub-division or consolidation of land, the disposal of industrial waste or chemical waste on land, temporary structure, demolition, change of use, mining in the nature of sand wining, quarrying and minerals extraction, excavation, tree removal, change in colour schemes and the erection of advertisement or other hoarding shall require Planning Permit.
2.1.2 In situations where the proposed development does not conform to the approved use or zoning, developers may apply for change of use or rezoning.
2.1.3 The basic requirements for a Planning Permit shall include the following:
a. Application form
b. Evidence of good title to the land
c. Site Plan to the scale of 1:2500 or 1:1250 and conforming to the local plan of the area
d. Block Plan to the scale of 1:20, 1:40
e. Zoning Assessment and Justification Report prepared by a Professional Planner on behalf of applicant (if the application involves change of use or rezoning)
2.1.5 Application for Change of Use / Rezoning In situations where the proposed development does not conform to the zoning of the area, a Change of Use or Re-zoning justification report (prepared by a Professional Planner) will be required (as the case may be) for a Planning permit in accordance with the prescribed procedure. A person seeking change of use or Rezoning shall present a report of the area’s zoning assessment and justification for the particular request. (Form attached as appendix 3)
2.1.6 Application for Subdivision & Consolidation Persons seeking to subdivide parcels of land into two or more sections or consolidate same shall be required to apply for Planning Permit. Applicants shall be required to complete an application form
2.2 Development permit
All physical development involving the erection of any structure, making of structural alteration or transformation of any structure, execution of any works or installation of any fittings in connection with any structure shall require a development permit. A development permit is a written permission authorizing a person to carry out development in accordance with conditions specified in the permit. Such development permit shall give due considerations to matters relating to zoning, planning standards and structural conditions of the proposed development2.2.1. Activities that shall require development permit include:
• Erection of any building or structure except those exempted by law
• Making structural alteration and or transformation (renovation) to a building
• Execution of works or installation of any fittings in a building
• Hoarding of a property
• Civil and engineering works
• Regularization of existing structures
• Redevelopment
2.2.2 Basic requirements for Development Permit shall include;
a. Development Permit Application Form (Jacket)
b. Fully completed application form
c. Site Plan to the scale of 1:2500 and conforming to the local plan of the area
d. Block Plan to the scale of 1:50
e. Architectural drawings to the scale of 1:20 or 1:40
f. Structural drawings to the scale of 1:20 or 1:40
g. Evidence of ownership of the land
h. Report on stake holder consultation (where applicable)
i. Previous permit if any
2.2.3 Depending on the type, scope and complexity of the development, other subsidiary requirements (certified reports/permits) relating to the following among others shall apply
a. Aviation safety
b. Radiation Protection
c. Environmental protection
d. Fire safety
e. Petroleum operations
f. Verification certificate
g. Traffic impact
h. Geo-technical report
i. Hydrological report
j. Structural integrity
k. Highway clearance
l. Stakeholder consultation report
All reports submitted should include a prior consultation and approval from relevant agencies.
2.3 Temporary Structure Permit
A temporary structure is any physical structure constructed, installed or placed on spaces zoned for permanent uses and meant to facilitate the construction of a permanent structure, serve short term emergency needs or facilitate small scale business operations. The temporary permit shall be renewable every six months for a period not exceeding five years. 2.3.1 Permits for Temporary structures shall be issued to developments that are not permanent in nature.2.3.2 Permits for Temporary structures shall be renewed every 6 months.
2.3.3 Temporary Structure Permit applications shall be presented on the form attached 2.3.4 The basic requirements for a temporary structure permit are: a. Application form
b. Evidence of good title to the land or permission from relevant stakeholders
c. Site Plan to the scale of 1:2500 or 1:1250 and conforming to the local plan of the area
d. Block Plan to the scale of 1:50 e. Designs of proposed temporary structures
An applicant shall be required to obtain all necessary approvals, permits and licenses from relevant central and local government authorities.
2.4 Regularization of existing structures
Regularization of permit shall be undertaken for all structures that have been developed without permits. Only structures that meet minimum condition for the grant for regular development permit shall qualify for the grant of regularization permit.All applications to regularize permits for existing structures shall be required to submit all requirements listed for the category of such structures in addition to Structure Integrity Report.
2.5 Extension of existing building
The addition of a usable area or utility space to an existing structure shall constitute an extension. Applications for permit to extend existing structures which do not have prior permit shall be treated solely as applications for regularization of permit. In this case the request for extension of the structure shall be incorporated into the application for extension and treated as one application.2.6 Demolition Permit
2.6.1 All demolition works shall require permit from the District Assembly. Sufficient precaution shall be taken to safeguard public safety, health, adjoining properties and properties with heritage significance.2.6.2 Pollution in relation to air, water, noise and soils shall be avoided or properly mitigated 2.6.3 Details on the requirements and steps for carrying out demolitions shall be contained in separate guidelines
2.6.4 Application for Demolition Permit Persons seeking to apply for demolition permit shall complete the form including information such as:
1. Ensure that the following basic requirements have been fully fulfilled:
2. Site plan
3. Block plan
4. Demolition plan and precautions outlined:
a. Acknowledgment of utility services disconnection (electricity, water, sewer)
b. Air pollution
c. Noise pollution
d. Water
e. Handling of hazardous materials
f. Occupational health
g. Hoarding of site
h. Use of catch fans
i. Temporary support materials
j. Debris and waste handling
k. Protection of heritage sites
l. Traffic management
m. Pedestrian protection
5. Method of Demolition:
i. Top-down manual method
ii. Top down by machines
iii. Mechanical method by Hydraulic crushers with long boom arm
iv. Wrecking ball
v. Implosion
vi. Other methods
i. Non explosive demolition agent
ii. Saw cutting
iii. Cutting and lifting
iv. Mechanical demolition
v. Thermal lance
vi. Weter jet
6. Timelines for demolition
1. A person shall not undertake any physical development of land without a development permit issued by the Assembly.
2. An applicant shall pay the approved processing fees upon submission of required documents.
3. The Wassa Amenfi East Municipal Assembly charges fees for the grant of a permit.